package com.whatever; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.LayoutManager2; /** * The layout manager that organizes the components into * columns. Each column contains a pair of components; one * "prompt" and one "input field". The prompts within any * single column has the same width (the width of the widest * label, if possible). Similarly, the width of the input * fields is the same for all of the fields of that same * column. The input fields are also aligned. The height of * the components in the same row will be set to the height * of the tallest component. *

* If there's any extra space available, it'll be * partitioned among the input fields, by taking into * account the "weights" of the columns. By default, the * weights are equal for all the columns, but upon * instantiation, it might be changed. *

* The number of columns might be determined upon * instantiation, and it's immutable, but it is possible to * set the weights at any time. *

* When calculating the "needed" space, the preferred size * of the components will be used. In case not enough space * is available, the minimum size of all the components will * be used, then the extra available space upon the minimum * will be partitioned among the input fields according to * the weights. The prompts won't grow ever. *

* If there isn't enough space to provide even when using * the minimum sizes, then the input fields will shrink. In * this case, the columns with more weight will shrink less * (broadly speaking, a column with half the weight of the * other shrinks twice as much). However, effort is taken so * that no input field be shorter than the size needed by * the capital letter "M" to appear. If the available space * needed for any column is even less, the layout manager * tries to shrink another columns with greater weights. If * the width of the input fields of all column reached this * minimum size, and the available space is even less, the * layout manager shrinks the prompts. When worst comes to * worst, the prompts will disappear sooner than the input * fields. *

* When adding components to the container managed by the * InputLayout, the components added to the odd indices are * the prompts, and the ones added to the even indices are * the input fields. The layout manager never checks the * actual type of the components. *

* The component serving as a "prompt" should be the * immediate previous one of the associated "input field" it * serves. That is, the component index of the prompt in the * container must be one less than the component index of * the associated input field. *

* When there are more columns, the first pair of components * is added to the first column, the second pair of * components is added to the second column, and so on until * all the columns are populated. If more components are * still available, the next pair will be added to the * second row of the first column, and so on. If the number * of components is odd (that is, no input field is * available for the last "pair"), then that space will be * left empty, but the corresponding prompt won't be taken * into account when the layout manager calculates the width * of the "prompt" subcolumn of the corresponding column. * Rather, that single prompt may grow and occupy the space * which otherwise would be occupied by its associated input * field. *

* If both the prompt and the associated input field is * invisible, it won't taken into account when calculating * the space they needed, but their place will be left empty * by default. Therefore, when they made visible, the order * of the component pairs won't change. However, it is * possible to switch on or off this feature. When it is * switched off (no place holders are allowed for the * invisible component pairs), then once the pair is made * visible again, all of the component pairs following will * be shifted one column (and consequently may appear in the * next row if were put into the last column previously). *

* As it is now, InputLayout lays out the components from * left to right, and from top to bottom. However, after * calculating all the necessary information, a method with * the sole purpose to size and position the components is * called. This method gets the calculated sizes as * parameters. Therefore, the offsprings of InputLayout has * to redefine this method only if they want to change the * order in which the components are positioned. * * @author Istvan KETLER, Tekla SINKÓ * **/ public class InputLayout implements LayoutManager2 { private static enum InputLayoutType { PREFERRED, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM } /** * Number of columns (determined at instantiation). One * column actually means two columns: the prompt column * and the input fields column. **/ private final int nrOfColumns; /** * The weights of the columns. **/ private final int[] columnWeights; /** * Is the place should be reserved for the invisible * components? **/ private boolean isPlaceHolderAllowed = true; // The required space Dimension needed = null; // The "must-have" space Dimension badlyNeeded = null; /** * Allows or forbids the use of place holders in the * place of the invisible component pairs. * * @param allow * True if the use of the place holders is * allowed, false otherwise. **/ public void allowPlaceHolders(final boolean allow) { isPlaceHolderAllowed = allow; } /** * Creates a layout where the components are organized * into one column. Each column contains a pair of * components (the "prompt" and the "input field"), and * each column has the same (zero) weight. **/ public InputLayout() { this(1, null); } /** * Creates a layout where the components are organized * into the given number of columns, and each column has * equal weight. Each column contains a pair of * components (the "prompt" and the "input field"). * * @param cols * The number of columns. It must be less * than 100 (that is the strict limit), * although more than a few might not have a * reasonable visual appearance. **/ public InputLayout(final int cols) { this(cols, null); } /** * Creates a layout where the components are organized * into the given number of columns, and each column has * its given weight. The weight information will be * ignored if the total sum of the provided weights * exceeds 100, or if any of the remaining columns with * undefined weight would have 0 weight. (An example is * if there are 4 columns, and the first two have the * weights of 49 and 50). In this case equal weights * will be used for each column, as if no weight * information would have been provided at all. Also * note that in cases when the number of columns makes * it impossible to partition the 100 equally (eg. in * case of 3 columns), the last column gets the extra * weight so that the total sum will always be exactly * 100. If the weight of each column is explicitly * given, but the total sum is less than 100, then the * last column picks up all the remaining weight units. * * @param cols * The number of columns. It must be less * than 100 (that is the strict limit), * although more than a few might not have a * reasonable visual appearance. * @param weights * The array of the weights (given in * percents). The total sum of the weights * should be 100. It is allowed to provide an * array which has less or more number of * elements than the number of columns. In * case of less columns, the undefined ones * will share the remaining space equally. In * case of more elements, the unnecessary * ones are ignored. **/ public InputLayout(final int cols, final int[] weights) { // Actually the max number of columns should be much // less. assert (cols < 100) : "Too many columns"; nrOfColumns = cols; columnWeights = new int[nrOfColumns]; // if no weights are specified if (weights == null) { setEqualWeights(0); // otherwise, initialize the weight information } else { int total = 0; // Calculate the total sum of weights - it // should be <= 100 for (int i = 0; i < columnWeights.length; i++) { // Oops, more weights than columns! if (i >= weights.length) { setEqualWeights(i); break; } total += (columnWeights[i] = weights[i]); } // More than 100%? How could it be? So ignore // it! if (total > 100) { setEqualWeights(0); } else if (total < 100) { // The last column gets all of the remaining // space columnWeights[columnWeights.length - 1] += 100 - total; } } } /** * Sets equal weights to the remaining columns. The * method calculates the weight of the columns not * involved, and provides the remaining value in equal * pieces to the remaining columns. The total sum of all * the column weights should be 100. * * @param cols * The first column which is involved. **/ protected void setEqualWeights(int cols) { // This could never happen... assert (cols < columnWeights.length) : "The column index is greater than the number of columns!"; int len = columnWeights.length; // Were it called from the constructor, this code // has no use... // If only the first few columns would have been // determined weight int used = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { used += columnWeights[i]; } // Not enough space for the remaining columns if (used > (100 - (len - cols))) { used = 0; cols = 0; } // end of "has no use" code int free = 100 - used; int remcols = len - cols; // The percents of the remaining columns // Be aware, w * remcols may or may not equal to // free! (divide int) int w = free / remcols; for (int i = cols; i < (len - 1); i++) { used += w; columnWeights[i] = w; } // The last column gets all of the remaining space columnWeights[len - 1] = 100 - used; } /** * Calculates the minimum, preferred, or maximum sizes * of the columns. * * @param target * The container which size should be * calculated. * @param nComp * The number of components added to the * container. * @param nrOfRows * The number of rows the components will be * laid out. * @param type * The actual size should be used. The value * might be MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, or PREFERRED. * @returns An array of arrays containing the sizes. The * first two array gives the widths of the * columns: the widths of the prompt subcolumn * and the widths of the input field subcolumn. * The third array gives the heights of the * rows. **/ private int[][] calculateDimensions(final Container target, final int nComp, final int nrOfRows, final InputLayoutType type) { // The return array int[][] retArray = new int[3][]; // By default, all of the elements of the arrays are // initialized by 0. // The width of the prompts int[] promptWidths = new int[nrOfColumns]; // The width of the input fields int[] fieldWidths = new int[nrOfColumns]; // The heights of the rows int[] heights = new int[nrOfRows]; // Initialize the return array retArray[0] = promptWidths; retArray[1] = fieldWidths; retArray[2] = heights; // The next component Component theComponent = null; // Size of the prompt Dimension pdim = null; // Size of the input field Dimension fdim = null; // The actual component int currentComponent = 0; // For each row for (int currentRow = 0; currentRow < nrOfRows; currentRow++) { int height = 0; // for each column (However, the column is // increased only if // either the place holder is allowed, or one of // the two // components forming the column is visible) for (int col = 0; col < nrOfColumns;) { // checks which sub-column exists (prompt // and input field) int subcols = 0; if (currentComponent >= nComp) { // no more components are available break; } // The next component theComponent = target.getComponent(currentComponent++); // The component exists and is visible if ((theComponent != null) && theComponent.isVisible()) { // The prompt is visible subcols |= 1; // pdim gets the selected size of the // component switch (type) { case MINIMUM: pdim = theComponent.getMinimumSize(); break; case MAXIMUM: pdim = theComponent.getMaximumSize(); break; default: case PREFERRED: pdim = theComponent.getPreferredSize(); break; } } // The very last input field may not exist if (currentComponent < nComp) { theComponent = target.getComponent(currentComponent++); // The component exists and is visible if ((theComponent != null) && theComponent.isVisible()) { // The input field is visible subcols |= 2; // fdim gets the selected size of // the component switch (type) { case MINIMUM: fdim = theComponent.getMinimumSize(); break; case MAXIMUM: fdim = theComponent.getMaximumSize(); break; default: case PREFERRED: fdim = theComponent.getPreferredSize(); break; } } } // If the place holder is allowed, of if one // of the sub-columns is visible if (isPlaceHolderAllowed || (subcols > 0)) { // if only the label is visible, there's // nothing to do. // That is, no label is allowed to be // longer than the width // of the sum of the prompt and the // input field columns switch (subcols) { case 3: { // Finding the widest prompt in // the column promptWidths[col] = Math.max(promptWidths[col], pdim.width); // Finding the max height in // this row height = Math.max(height, pdim.height); // continues with the next case } case 2: { // Finding the widest input // field in the column fieldWidths[col] = Math.max(fieldWidths[col], fdim.width); // Finding the max height in // this row height = Math.max(height, fdim.height); break; } } // The column number is increased only // if either the place // holder is allowed, or at least one of // the components // out of the two is visible. col++; } } // Store the calculated max height of the row heights[currentRow] = height; // No more components if (currentComponent >= nComp) { break; } } return retArray; } private Dimension calculateLayoutSize(final Container target, final InputLayoutType inputLayout, final int columnSeparatingWidth, final int rowSeparatingHeight){ int nComp = target.getComponentCount(); // The number of actual rows might be less if there // are invisible components added to the container. int nrOfRows = (((nComp / 2) + nrOfColumns) - 1) / nrOfColumns; int[][] dims = calculateDimensions(target, nComp, nrOfRows, inputLayout); int[] promptWidths = dims[0]; int[] fieldWidths = dims[1]; int[] heights = dims[2]; // Sum up the widths of the columns // (the columns are separated by columnSeparatingWidth pixels): int w = columnSeparatingWidth; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfColumns; i++) { w += promptWidths[i]; w += fieldWidths[i]; w += columnSeparatingWidth; } // If the number of rows is less than it was // calculated, the unoccupied // rows will have the height of 0 due to how // Java initializes the arrays. int h = rowSeparatingHeight; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfRows; i++) { h += heights[i]; h += rowSeparatingHeight; } // The insets values should be taken into account Insets ins = target.getInsets(); w += ins.left + ins.right; h += + ins.bottom; return new Dimension(w, h); } /** * Calculates the minimum size this container needs in * order to lay out all of the components it contains. * Upon calculation, only the space needed by the * visible components will taken into account. If both * element of a prompt/input field pair are invisible, * then depending on the current setting of the place * holders, the next pair still appears in its own * column, or replaces the invisible pair. * * @param target * The container of which the minimum size * should be calculated. * @returns The dimension minimally needed to lay out * the container. * @see #allowPlaceHolders(boolean) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(final Container target) { InputLayoutType inputLayout = InputLayoutType.MINIMUM; int columnSeparatingWidth = 0; int rowSeparatingHeight = 0; return calculateLayoutSize(target, inputLayout, columnSeparatingWidth, rowSeparatingHeight); } /** * Calculates the preferred size this container needs in * order to lay out all of the components it contains. * Upon calculation, only the space needed by the * visible components will taken into account. If both * element of a prompt/input field pair are invisible, * then depending on the current setting of the place * holders, the next pair still appears in its own * column, or replaces the invisible pair. * * @param target * The container of which the preferred size * should be calculated. * @returns The dimension preferably needed to lay out * the container. * @see #allowPlaceHolders(boolean) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#preferredLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(final Container target) { InputLayoutType inputLayout = InputLayoutType.PREFERRED; // the columns are separated by 4 pixels: int columnSeparatingWidth = 4; // the rows are separated by 4 pixels: int rowSeparatingHeight = 4; return calculateLayoutSize(target, inputLayout, columnSeparatingWidth, rowSeparatingHeight); } /** * Calculates the maximum size this container needs in * order to lay out all of the components it contains. * Upon calculation, only the space needed by the * visible components will taken into account. If both * element of a prompt/input field pair are invisible, * then depending on the current setting of the place * holders, the next pair still appears in its own * column, or replaces the invisible pair. * * @param target * The container of which the maximum size * should be calculated. * @returns The maximum dimension needed to lay out the * container. * @see #allowPlaceHolders(boolean) * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager2#maximumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(final Container target) { InputLayoutType inputLayout = InputLayoutType.MAXIMUM; int columnSeparatingWidth = 0; // the rows are separated by 4 pixels: int rowSeparatingHeight = 0; return calculateLayoutSize(target, inputLayout, columnSeparatingWidth, rowSeparatingHeight); } /** * Laying out the components in the container. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public void layoutContainer(final Container target) { // Number of components int nComp = target.getComponentCount(); // The number of actual rows might be less if there // are invisible // components added to the container. int nrOfRows = (((nComp / 2) + nrOfColumns) - 1) / nrOfColumns; // The current size of the container Dimension dim = target.getSize(); Insets insets = target.getInsets(); // The space remaining for the components. Note that // in case of // negative insets, the space is bigger int currentWidth = dim.width - (insets.left + insets.right); // int currentHeight = dim.height - ( + insets.bottom); if (needed == null) { needed = preferredLayoutSize(target); needed.setSize(needed.width - (insets.left + insets.right), needed.height - ( + insets.bottom)); } if (currentWidth >= needed.width) { int[][] dims = calculateDimensions(target, nComp, nrOfRows, InputLayoutType.PREFERRED); double extra = currentWidth - needed.width; createActualLayout(target, extra, dims, 2); } else { if (badlyNeeded == null) { badlyNeeded = minimumLayoutSize(target); badlyNeeded.setSize(badlyNeeded.width - (insets.left + insets.right), badlyNeeded.height - ( + insets.bottom)); } if (currentWidth >= badlyNeeded.width) { int[][] dims = calculateDimensions(target, nComp, nrOfRows, InputLayoutType.MINIMUM); double extra = currentWidth - badlyNeeded.width; createActualLayout(target, extra, dims, 0); } else { // shrink int[][] dims = calculateDimensions(target, nComp, nrOfRows, InputLayoutType.MINIMUM); createActualLayout(target, 0.0d, dims, 0); } } } /** * Distributes the extra space among the columns. * * @param target * The container which contains the * components. * @param extra * The extra space that should be distributed. * @param dims * The array of int arrays which contains the * already calculated width and height * informations. The first subarray is the * widths of the prompt subcolumns, and the * second one is the widths of the input * field subcolumns. The third subarray * contains the heights of the rows. * @param ins * The gap between the subcolumns. This gap * should be used before and after of each * component. The same gap also should be * used above and below of each component. */ private void createActualLayout(final Container target, final double extra, final int[][] dims, final int ins) { int[] fieldWidths = dims[1]; int all = 0; if (extra > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nrOfColumns; i++) { int add = (int) ((extra * columnWeights[i]) / 100); all += add; fieldWidths[i] += add; } } if (all != extra) { fieldWidths[nrOfColumns - 1] += extra - all; } layoutComponents(target, dims, ins); } /** * Lays out the components on the container. Sizing and * locating the components is done from left to right, * and from top to bottom. * * @param target * The container which contains the * components. * @param dims * The array of int arrays which contains the * already calculated width and height * informations. The first subarray is the * widths of the prompt subcolumns, and the * second one is the widths of the input * field subcolumns. The third subarray * contains the heights of the rows. * @param ins * The gap between the subcolumns. This gap * should be used before and after of each * component. The same gap also should be * used above and below of each component. **/ protected void layoutComponents(final Container target, final int[][] dims, final int ins) { int nComp = target.getComponentCount(); int[] promptWidths = dims[0]; int[] fieldWidths = dims[1]; int[] heights = dims[2]; Insets insets = target.getInsets(); int gap = ins + ins; Component prompt = null; Component field = null; int currentComponent = 0; int top = + gap; for (int currentRow = 0; currentRow < heights.length; currentRow++) { int left = insets.left + ins; for (int col = 0; col < nrOfColumns;) { int subcols = 0; if (currentComponent >= nComp) { // no more components are available break; } prompt = target.getComponent(currentComponent++); if ((prompt != null) && prompt.isVisible()) { subcols |= 1; } if (currentComponent < nComp) { field = target.getComponent(currentComponent++); if ((field != null) && field.isVisible()) { subcols |= 2; } } if (isPlaceHolderAllowed || (subcols > 0)) { switch (subcols) { // Only the prompt exists and/or is // visible. case 1: { prompt.setBounds(left, top, promptWidths[col] + fieldWidths[col] + gap, heights[currentRow]); break; } // Both the prompt and the input // field exist and are visible. case 3: { prompt.setBounds(left, top, promptWidths[col], heights[currentRow]); // continues with the next case } // Only the input field exists // and/or is visible. case 2: { field.setBounds(left + promptWidths[col] + gap, top, fieldWidths[col], heights[currentRow]); break; } } left += promptWidths[col] + gap; left += fieldWidths[col] + ins; col++; } } top += heights[currentRow] + gap; if (currentComponent >= nComp) { break; } } } /** * Adds the component to the layout. This method is * provided for compatibility considerations, and * delegates the call to the newer form of the * overloaded method. * * @see #addLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component, * java.lang.Object) **/ @Override public void addLayoutComponent(final String name, final Component comp) { this.addLayoutComponent(comp, name); } /** * Adds the component to the layout. This operation * invalidates the layout. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager2#addLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component, java.lang.Object) **/ @Override public void addLayoutComponent(final Component comp, final Object constraints) { doInvalidate(); } /** * Removes the component from the layout. This operation * invalidates the layout. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#removeLayoutComponent(java.awt.Component) */ @Override public void removeLayoutComponent(final Component comp) { doInvalidate(); } /** * Invalidates the information stored by the layout * manager. The only information currently cached is the * dimension of the preferred and the minimum size of * the container. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager2#invalidateLayout(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public void invalidateLayout(final Container target) { doInvalidate(); } /** * Performs the invalidate layout functionality. That * is, deletes all of the cached information about the * layout. **/ private void doInvalidate() { needed = null; badlyNeeded = null; } /** * Provides alignment information. This is a no-op. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager2#getLayoutAlignmentX(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public float getLayoutAlignmentX(final Container target) { return 0.0f; } /** * Provides alignment information. This is a no-op. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager2#getLayoutAlignmentY(java.awt.Container) */ @Override public float getLayoutAlignmentY(final Container target) { return 0.0f; } }